Monday, March 12, 2007

WEEKLY LESSON - Nothing is ever finished

This weeks lesson is "Nothing Is Ever Finished."

All men come back. This is something that I have always known and always believed. I bring up this law of universal energy because "nothing in our lives is final, or ever finished." This lesson is also applied to cleaning my room, my reading pile, and of course, my never ending schedule of events.

The reality of this lesson:

As all men come back, my reading pile will always be out of control, and my room will never permenantly be clean, nothing is ever final. When I clean my room, I know I will one day very soon have to clean it again. When I read a script, I know that more scripts will be added to this pile. No dent will ever be made. And I am certain that every relationship gets one more chance.

Therefore, we should never mourn the end of anything. Rather, let's rejoice!

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