Friday, January 18, 2008


Internet dating, technology has made everything so easy. We can shop for that adorable little dress that we need for the upcoming wedding, in which the man that I used to think I was going to marry will attend with his wife and two children. Joy. We know that I'll be the life of the party and you'll be the one with the little tikes that everyone will gaga and googles over. And of course, I will wonder which is better, to be the cutest couple or the loudest drunk. Humm. For now, I guess the single, and undersexed existence only can be related to being the loudest drunk, so that's the best for now. The grass is always greener.

I asked my newly married BFF, "how did you meet your little hottie?" The internet. Humm. I'll give it a go!

So I have been purusing the net to locate a manly men to come over and rock my world for about 5 months now. You know when I started I was told that I was taking on a second job. Who knew that that would actually be the case. Now I wake up each morning to find a lovely array of undersexed desparate men in my inbox. Oh look, male me's. All nudging me to return their emails, or answer their questions... I haven't figured out why any well educated doctor thought that asking questions like "What is your idea of adventure?" was a good plan when getting to know your future lifelong bedmate. That bedmate that we will one day have to make ourselves go home to and fuck, even when the idea completely repulses us, share money with through the good times and the bad, and yes, wake up smelling their stinky ass breath every morning for the rest of our lives.

Beligerant drunk. Maybe that is the way to go. At least that way, there's a frequent new man in it for me!

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