Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Loner Drunk

You know your life has started to spiral downward when you wake up with a terrible headache, water is the only word you can manage to mumble, and you can barely remember the details of last night. The one thing you do know, is you didn't accidentally sleep with some unassuming young stallion, because your night of debauchery began and ended at home with a single glass of wine with your dinner for one. Yes, drinking on the couch, alone. The glass turned into a bottle and had you not been so drunk you could barely walk to the bathroom once you "broke the seal," you would have stumbled to the liquor store for another bottle.

Last night, this depressing person was me. I was not depressed, or upset about anything. I just started and couldn't stop. The despairing part of this story is that nothing fun or interesting came of it. I suffered all morning for nothing actually. And being that it was a Tuesday night, there was nothing interesting on television either. I entertainmented** myself with an episode of WHAT ABOUT BRIAN and WITHOUT A TRACE. It's interesting how satisfying it is to watch someone else surrounded by people and enjoying what life is really about. Wild, unattached, sex.

**Defined by Pete's dictionary: entertained by (lowbrow, pop culture) entertainment.

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