Fo Best Friend
You know the story, we're young, professional, single, no family and willing to cut your friends throat to get somewhere in this world. Well, some of us are, unfortunately (but fortunately), I was born without the cut throat mentality. But some of my more careless girlfriends are capable of truly whipping out the sword and slitting the innocent throats of those they pretend to care about. With women, especially, this happens in both work situation and situations involving the opposite sex.
Keep your friends close, but keep your frenemies, closer.
Here she is, my best friend. The one that I truly believe is the only living person on the planet who absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, has my back. Well, now, I'm positive that this is no longer the case. I have a real life "Fo Best Friend" and she comes in the form of someone who I've been friends with for many many years. We have shared ups and downs in our business and personal lives. We have played together, shared together and fought together. We have lived with fumming hearts and lived as a team. But yet, I have learned that this woman is artificially part of my life. She only wants something from me. Somthing of which I have not yet put my finger on, but this woman has taken things from me that I cherish.
I was crazy about a man. He was perfect for me and for the first time I had found someone who truly shares the same interests as me. He loves to lie in the sun and shoe shop, ok for the sake of the accused, I'm keeping the interests annomous, but we love this man and myself truly love doing many of the same things.
Fo Friend adviced, as to how to proceed with this relationship, however, I have my own way of doing things. So I followed my heart. I did what I thought was right.
And for a few minutes, he was crazy about me. We were "dating" and going to do more together and see more of each other. But all of a sudden, he dropped off the face of the earth. Oh well! Remember my moto "the only four letter word in Hollywood is NEXT."
In the end, I didn't mess up. In business, we learn that nothing that happens to us, is truly about us. It generally is about an insecurity within someone else. This was the case in this relationship. Some insecurity was brought out. Be it that I didn't have the same taste in shoes as him, or he was simply afraid to make a commitment beyond the one that we had. (Although I'm commaphobic enough to not push any titles on anyone). Something happened, and interest (on both parties) was lost.
I was actually quite ok with that, UNTIL, I found out that this friend, who vowed not to become involved, was NOW actually involved. The problem with her involvement is that she was not involved on my team.
She was right, no involvement would have been better than stabbing me in the back and taking his side, when, to let the truth be known, she only knows one side of the story.
So what does she want from me. Why stab me in the back?
The lesson: People sometimes unbeknowst of themselves, take sides, and talk shit about people for no good reason. Just because they want to. But in reality, the unconscious choices that we make, hurt all parties involved. Including the man that has lost out on an amazing woman such as myself.
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