Grown Up Mean Girls
Work. This is a place that we go to become miserable. No matter how much we loved what we did on our first day, by the 90th, it's fun no more.
My first day at the new company, began with me saying how fabulous the energy was in the office. The girls included me in everything, they set me up on dates, included me in their daily lunches discussions, and for the most part, we were putting on makeup and braiding each others hair.
Then of course, as time goes by, it slowly goes from this blissful place of employment to living hell. I just don't know what it is that happens to people when you get to know them. The truth of the matter is that in the real world, it seems, as if people just don't like other people. It's not me or something I said or did, or even the fact that sometimes I don't wear deodorant.
This persistent problem in modern society is caused by Narcissism. No one in this town can actually begin to think about what the cause/effect of their actions will do to the rest of the world because they don't possess the ability to even think about anyone other than themselves. As a matter of fact, considering, that we are in the business of providing fun, fearless, entertainment as a method of escapism, bringing people together for to enjoy a night in watching our favs such as Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, 24, etc and for a fun date night to the theater. Our jobs are to supply everyone else in the world fun. This may not seem like it's saving lives, but in reality, when you're in the middle of that dreaded notes session or screening, and you realize someone forgot to tell the director that we were having this meeting. It hits you like a ton of bricks. THIS IS LIFE THREATENING. IT MAY ACTUALLY KILL SOMEONE TO MISS A MEETING. Ok, in reality, no one dies from missing work. But for some reason people around here just don't get it. It's egotistical. And for the most part since the majority of the people working in this business were actually the last person picked for every kick ball team they played on, missing a meeting means this to them: WE DON'T LIKE YOU ENOUGH TO INCLUDE YOU. Or one of my favorites: YOU'RE WORK ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BE INVITED.
The bottom line here is. It truly is only about me. That is how people around here feel. And if you are a threat to them, or don't like the guy they try to set you up with (and by the way are up front enough to let the guy know that you aren't that interested) or if you don't like their script, suddenly you're blackballed.
What exactly does it mean when "you're blackballed?" According to my favorite resource,, it means: A negative vote, especially one that blocks the admission of an applicant to an organization.
More importantly, the problem is worsened when you it is women working together, they are nice one day, then you realize that you have a knife sticking out of your back. They talk shit behind your back, belittling you. Accusing you of not being good enough. When in actuality the real problem is that these grown up mean girls are actually more concern with their very own lack inability to get the job done, that they must push you out. Put the other women down.
Ladies, this is why we haven't had a President of the United States yet. This is why we keep complaining that we haven't risen far beyond our boundaries. We must come together rather than alienating ourselves. Think twice before you put someone else down or even just act like they aren't quite as good as you are. Because the reality of it is this: usually when you treat someone as if they aren't quite as good as you, it's typically the other way around!
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