Friday, April 20, 2007

Does Phone Sex count

Does phone sex count as actually having a sexual experience with someone? Well here's the logic, if you can openly discuss your needs and desires with someone on the other end of the line, then you are being intimate with them. Others will also say, "getting off, is getting off, no matter how you do it." Well the reality of it is this, sometimes, you are having phone sex with a man who has no idea that you don't think you're having phone sex with them. Like for instance, Rollergirl was on the phone with a new lovely man that's she's seeing. And she was sitting outside on her patio enjoying a ciggie, when all of a sudden, he says "Oh My Goodness, I'm cumming."

WHAT?!?! Are you serious? I thought we were just enjoying a nice chat about the weekend and now you're all of a sudden doing that. She thinks to herself, "I thought I had to actually do something, like put my mouth on it, or sit on it, before that thing would erupt." Apparently this is not the case. That thing will detonate, with almost no warning. Could this be because he's not had much ass for the past few months. Poor guy.

OMG, what if that means when she finally sits on it, is this going to happen too quickly?

Holy crud, what if it's small? Will he be a bad lover? Is he selfish? Questions are running through her head about what their experience will be like.

She immediately jumps off the phone and calls me for advice.

"Bunny, we were on the phone talking about mountain biking, or something completely non-sexual and all of a sudden he blurts out, 'I'm cumming.'"

"Are you serious? Dump him." I insist.

There's something really odd about a man who has issues with sex. And those issues can be as simple as turning an innocent phone conversation into phone sex. Or sometimes, it's that a man has a tiny garden tool, or the man juice squirts out too quickly. Whatever the problem may be is not our concern. The concern we as women have, is similar to the standards that you hold to us: If you can't please us in the beginning, then you're not going to be able to please us in 5 years from now. So we move on, much like you would if our lovely LA Fitness bodies aren't perfectly pressed when you finally get our clothes off.

We like to be pleased, and taken care of. This isn't just about money, it's about how we feel about ourselves... and this could be quickly taken care of if the man compliments us frequently or just figures out a way to make his ladies toes curl in sack.


Anonymous said...

As a male who's #1 priority is getting her off FIRST, I would have to agree Miss Bunny. However, one slight "wiggle" to the left or one pump too much OR one simple dirty word could ruin it. DAMN!!!

Anonymous said...

Phone Sex or Live Entertainment?

I had this guy i was dating, we'd have phone sex, then we decided to act out in person.
i knew it wasn't going to work that when while we were having sex and he insisted we watch the porn channel...that didn't end it it was when he said "suck on my cock Bitch!"
i prefer the phone sex...