Looking for someone or anyone??
In love, we can explain our experiences as either very different, or quite the same. There are two types, 1) Romeo and Juliet love, 2) giddy, school girl love. So I met a man. A very cute southern man who happens to look like a very cute southern bloke. This is the sense that he wears Oakleys (with the string that goes around your neck), and enjoys fishing (and probably hunting too). But the point is when I met him I felt like a giddy little school girl. The kind of bubbleheaded, giggly, silliness that you don't know where all of that crazy energy came from.
Immediately, I was in love. My palms were wet in anticipation of the first kiss, the first hug, and of course him visiting my amazing digs in the City of Angels (more bumping and grinding, YAY). But it was when he got here, that all of the love in my heart would not ever be enough to want to deal with our difference of opions on many, many, issues.
So, for a moment in time, I thought that I was in love.
Then on my home turf, I got to know my southern gentleman. Quickly realizing that his love of hunting and fishing wouldn't fit so well into my anti-gun, anti-republican, pro-choice lifesyle. I mean I did give money to the Hilary Clinton campagne.
He didn't know what to do when he found himself knee deep in designer shoes, when he walked into my closet. And when he learned that Bloomie's was not a code name for my panties, I think it upset him slightly. But these things never occured to me, until the moment he asked why women would pay so much to buy designer jeans, that's when it dawned on me, that he couldn't be the one for me. He doesn't understand why the only men I will always vow to remain loyal to are Joe, William Rask, Jimmy Choo, and Mark Jacobs. As they are my one and only True Religion.
At this point, I began to contemplate all of my past relationships, and wondered to myself, am I looking for someone special, or anyone who'll have me?
I admit, that I am a little obsessive and even a little compulsive, sometimes a little closed off when it's someone I truly do care about. So perhaps, it could be The Republican, who clearly I will never end up with, who may be the type that can tame this lioness (since he's the only type I can actually open up to). But the reality of it is would I settle on someone less than perfect (for me) because I can't tell the guy that I really love anything at all?
It's highly doubtful, but more probable as I get closer to the end of my child baring years. Hell, I have a ways to go. So I'll just tumble around in the back seat of my car with less the amazing until Mr. Flawless comes along (and stays until I talk to him - I mean eventually you have to say something)!